When taking an online acting course, you might have some doubts and hear comments like, “You can’t possibly learn acting online.” Hands-on training would be different from learning to act through a phone, tablet, or computer. Or is it?

It turns out that learning online is preferable for other students who want to undergo acting courses. Some students are too intimidated to attend face-to-face acting classes. Many actors find the comfort of their own homes to be safe enough as an environment to be in while acting.

There is no limit to online acting location-wise. As long as there is an internet connection, anyone can start his/her acting career.

What are the five things you can do for your acting career right now?

  1. Create a Target List: Keeping a list of casting directors, agents, managers, and theater companies you have auditioned for, submitted materials to, and newsletters that you have can be intimidating. You should be regularly on their radar, so it’s time you get organized.
    You can start with an excel spreadsheet with names, jobs, contact info, date last spoken to, relevant notes, etc. You should have the contact info, cost breakdown, referrals, and others for photographers. Create an email campaign to ensure your information is updated with casting networks. Organizing guarantees that you have a ready document to refer to when you need one.
  2. Self-Submit: If you do not have an agent or a manager, you should be submitting yourself for projects you think you’re ready for. Ensure all your links work and route where they need to; your materials are accessible and updated; special skills are accounted for, and your size card is as precise as possible.
  3. Read an Acting Book: Studies have shown that reading a book before going to bed has benefits like stress relief, increased empathy, and long-term cognition effects. As an actor, it is better to sleep with new information and inspiration rather than social media gossip.
  4. Find a Buddy: Let them know what your acting goals are. Your buddy can keep you on track. You can do the same for him/her. Both of you can check in with one another to help boost your careers at once.
  5. Research the Industry: The past three years have been a whirlwind because of the pandemic, which presented actors with challenges like in-person auditions, a few pilot shows, and the closing of Broadway theaters.

What positively emerged during this pandemic are the best online acting classes like those provided by methodacting.co.uk College School in London. They will afford you the best way to arm you with the right tools for your trade. Attending their classes will give you access to agents, managers, and casting directors.

Being an actor is like juggling, but remember that you only have two hands at any given time. You should think of the bigger picture and the small steps you can take to get to that big picture.