Hair growth is completely normal for both men and women, though many people prefer to have unwanted hair removed. Typically, the areas of the body where people choose to remove hair include the face, legs, arms, underarms, and groin.

With the summer season fast approaching, now is an especially popular time for people looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair.

There are a number of options for people interested in unwanted hair removal. In this blog post, we will highlight 3 proven ways to say goodbye to unwanted hair. These are electrolysis, laser hair removal, and prescription-strength creams.


One of the most effective methods of removing hair from the face or body is electrolysis. It uses fine needles that are placed directly into the hair follicles that distribute shortwave radio frequencies. The aim of electrolysis is to destroy the hair follicle and make it unable to stimulate new hair growth in the future.

It is the only method of permanent hair removal that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Electrolysis typically requires a number of sessions to achieve fully permanent results. It can also be done on any part of the body and there are few side effects from this procedure.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses high-heat lasers to target hair follicles, damaging them to stop new hair growth. This option works best in people with dark hair and light skin tones. As with the above treatment option, a number of sessions are typically required for the best results.

Though it is not permanent, the results can last for many months or even years in some cases. When the hair does grow back, it will be lighter in color and finer. If you are interested in learning more about laser hair removal, check it out here.

Prescription-Strength Creams

If neither of the above options appeals to you, you may be interested in using prescription-strength creams to tackle unwanted hair. These creams, such as eflornithine, work by stopping the production of the enzymes that stimulate hair growth.

Thes results here are typically not as long-lasting as other methods (up to 8 weeks generally). The aforementioned eflornithine works only for facial hair. Side effects may include acne breakouts, rashes, and burning, so use with caution.

Ways of Getting Rid of Unwanted Hair

Other options for getting rid of unwanted hair include waxing, tweezing, chemical depilation, and shaving. For permanent results, electrolysis is regarded as the premier option, though laser hair removal results are typically very long-lasting.

We recommend that you speak to your doctor and a dermatologist about the best option for you. Don’t let unwanted hair growth affect your confidence or ability to show off your skin this summer.

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