3 Reasons a State Might Ban Smoking Medical Cannabis
Whether you prefer the term ‘medical cannabis’ or ‘medical marijuana’, medicines derived from one of the world’s most controversial plants come in many forms. There are vaping liquids, gummies, tinctures, and topicals. You can even buy pure cannabis flower in some states. But being able…
How To Start Your Own Dispensary
Cannabis legalization is growing increasingly widespread, with more and more jurisdictions decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis for medical or recreational use. The trend toward cannabis legalization is being driven by a combination of factors, including the growing evidence of the benefits of cannabis, the increasing public…
Do’s and Don’ts for recovering from Eating Disorders
Recovery from eating disorders can be challenging. Doctors will often tell you many things you “should” do. While your doctor may have your best interests at heart, they may not always emphasize the things you should avoid doing as you continue to get better….
Kratom Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More
Currently, approximately 60 percent of the United States adult population suffers from fatigue. A common way people overcome their fatigue is by drinking tons of sugary coffee. The added sugar and caffeine can have detrimental effects on your body. Now, people turn to natural energy…
Tired of Unwanted Hair? 3 Proven Ways to Never See Them Again
Hair growth is completely normal for both men and women, though many people prefer to have unwanted hair removed. Typically, the areas of the body where people choose to remove hair include the face, legs, arms, underarms, and groin. With the summer season fast approaching,…
Getting Ready for a Rehab Treatment Center
There are many things to consider when preparing for rehab treatment. The first step is to understand what to expect and how to best prepare for it. Rehabilitation centers offer a variety of programs that can help people with substance use disorder. Programs vary in…
3 Surprising Benefits of CBD Shampoo
CBD is an ingredient associated with a lot of remedies, from alleviating discomfort to hydrating skin. It seems like every beauty product nowadays is starting to include CBD in its list of ingredients. This is mainly because it can help improve hydration when it’s applied…
Supporting a Person With Alzheimer’s During a Bereavement
Supporting a partner, friend, or family member with Alzheimer’s Disease is hard enough. It can be even more challenging when caregivers are faced with the task of supporting someone with Alzheimer’s Disease through bereavement. If someone you love with Alzheimer’s loses someone, there are ways…
Tips for Improving the Health of Your Hair, Skin, and Nails
It’s understandable if you’ve been thinking more about your health lately. The experience of living through a global pandemic has many of us wondering if we could be taking better care of ourselves. Hair, skin, and nail health are all areas that can be easy…
What To Look For in Soil for Growing Marijuana
When it comes to growing marijuana, one of the most important aspects to consider is the growing medium. The growing medium is the type of soil you choose to plant your cannabis in. This soil needs to meet several requirements to create the best environment…