The ever-changing world of digital marketing is denying the massive influence that social media has on marketing. One question that frequently occurs is, “What is social media marketing (social media marketing คือ, which is the term in Thai)?” Simply put, social media marketing is the act of using social media to interact with your target audience, establish your brand image, improve sales and boost web traffic.

One of the most effective strategies that are part of the marketing arsenal via social media includes user-generated content (UGC). UGC can be defined as any type of content, be it pictures, videos, text reviews, comments, or reviews the users, not brands create. This is real and genuine and can dramatically increase your company’s visibility and credibility.

The Influence of UGC on Social Media Marketing

If we ask, “What is social media marketing?” and how has it changed throughout the years, you can’t ignore the evolution of UGC. What makes it so powerful? Let us look at a few of the factors:

  • Genuinely: In a time in which ads, authenticity cuts across the clutter constantly bombard consumers. UGC is perceived to be more authentic and trustworthy than brand-generated content.
  • The credibility and trust factor: UGC is a type of social evidence. If prospective customers can view real customers using and supporting an item, it boosts the credibility and trustworthiness of the company.
  • Engage: UGC encourages interaction. When people contribute content to the site, they’re likely to interact with and share it and create a sense of the community surrounding your brand.

Strategies to Encourage UGC

What can they do to make use of the potential of UGC? Here are some strategies:

  1. Hashtag campaigns: Create a specially customized hashtag for your business and invite your users to share their experience with the hashtag. The process not only produces new content but also expands your reach and brand’s visibility as the networks of users share posts.
  2. Giveaways and Contests: Conduct contests that make users share their images and content related to your business for the chance to be a winner. It can dramatically increase the number of people who participate, resulting in a surge of UGC.
  3. Testimonials and Customer Reviews: Ask actively to share and read the reviews and comments of customers. The positive reviews are incredibly convincing in making a decision.


When we look into the subject of “what is social media marketing,” we find that it’s not only about companies broadcasting messages. It’s about encouraging a two-way interaction in which customers aren’t recipients but are active participants.